
Don't put it off—keep your trucks running well with regular servicing and repairs


Australia is a huge continent that requires thousands upon thousands of trucks operating around the clock to deliver, re-supply and pick up all the items that keep the country running smoothly. From food to mining equipment, Australia runs on the backs of the many truck drivers and companies that put in long hours to ensure everything is delivered on time. It is because of these long hours and competitive margins that many truck drivers and companies push their machines to the limit and avoid any servicing, which can have disastrous consequences.

4 September 2019

Is Your Car's Compressor About to Fail?


The air conditioning system fitted within your car or truck is, essentially, a miniature version of the same system that you find at home. It relies on a number of different components to work together, but most of the heavy lifting takes place within the compressor and condenser. Many issues associated with poor performance can be traced back to one or both of these primary components, but the compressor is typically the first place to look.

30 May 2019

Top 3 Worst Enemies of Any Diesel Engine Car


Diesel cars are generally more fuel efficient and have a longer working life than their petrol-powered cousins. If you own a diesel car, taking proper care of it is essential to keeping running at its best for as long as possible. That said, you should know what the worst enemies of diesel engine cars are. Take a look at the top three common causes of diesel car trouble.  1. Bad/Wrong-Spec Diesel

27 January 2019

Broken Down Car? How to Bring the Expertise to You Instead


Have you noticed how many breakdown trucks there are on Australian roads these days? This has much to do with the ever-increasing population and the number of vehicles used, but it's also partly to do with the fact that a breakdown will never occur at or near to a mechanic's workshop. That would be too good to be true, of course, but in the meantime, stranded motorists need a way of moving their stricken vehicle to the expert.

21 November 2018

Did You Know that Brake Fluid Can Boil?


It goes without saying that the brake fluid in your car is a critical component. You may know that it is a very carefully engineered product, which is designed to put up with harsh conditions without failure so that you can keep everyone in the car as safe as possible. Yet not every brake fluid is the same, and if you drive your high-performance car a lot, you need to be careful to choose the right product.

26 July 2018

How to Diagnose Fuel Delivery Issues in Your Diesel-Engined Vehicle


Every vehicle that relies on a form of combustion must ensure that the fuel is delivered as efficiently as possible for uninterrupted motoring. This is particularly important in a diesel-engined vehicle due to the conversion process, and it's not surprising, therefore, that issues can arise from time to time. If you've noticed some inconsistencies in certain driving environments recently, how can you diagnose the issue so that you can fix the offending item?

26 July 2018

Are Your Car Brakes Failing? 3 Warning Signs to Watch Out For


Your car's brakes aren't designed to last a lifetime. They will require repairs at some point and it's important that you repair them before your next car safety inspection. Many new car owners, especially those who have never dealt with cars before, may have a problem when it comes to detecting problematic brakes. Staying ahead of brake problems by being able to know when something is wrong will save you from not only costly repairs but also potentially dangerous situations on the road.

22 May 2018

3 Ways a Mechanic Will Keep Your Car Roadworthy


If you take the time to properly maintain your automobile, you can avoid mechanical problems and breakdowns and extend the lifespan of various components. Below is a guide to some of the things you should do to keep your vehicle in great condition. Maintain the coolant system  The engine in your car can get very hot, but the coolant system in your car keeps the engine cool. Debris can build up within the liquid continue the coolant system.

27 March 2018

What Causes Brake Failure in Commercial Trucks?


When it comes to utility, commercial trucks are the leading brand on the road. This is because of a comfortable driver's cabin, an unmatched carrying capacity and the ability to travel long distances with tonnes of luggage. Many other vehicles would break down when subjected to such a workload. Unfortunately, commercial trucks have their downsides, too. Their braking system is complex and comprises many parts, especially for large trucks with as many as eighteen wheels.

23 February 2018

4 Car Transmission Behaviours that a Driver Should Never Ignore


Gearbox issues are a nuisance, an inconvenience, and expensive to fix. While regular maintenance will help prevent the development of transmission issues, a car will eventually develop such problems if you own it long enough. Therefore, you should stay alert for subtle signs of gearing problems. This article highlights some car transmission behaviours that you should never ignore if you want to nip gearbox issues in the bud. Involuntary Gear Slips

22 January 2018