What Causes Brake Failure in Commercial Trucks?


When it comes to utility, commercial trucks are the leading brand on the road. This is because of a comfortable driver's cabin, an unmatched carrying capacity and the ability to travel long distances with tonnes of luggage. Many other vehicles would break down when subjected to such a workload. Unfortunately, commercial trucks have their downsides, too. Their braking system is complex and comprises many parts, especially for large trucks with as many as eighteen wheels.

23 February 2018

4 Car Transmission Behaviours that a Driver Should Never Ignore


Gearbox issues are a nuisance, an inconvenience, and expensive to fix. While regular maintenance will help prevent the development of transmission issues, a car will eventually develop such problems if you own it long enough. Therefore, you should stay alert for subtle signs of gearing problems. This article highlights some car transmission behaviours that you should never ignore if you want to nip gearbox issues in the bud. Involuntary Gear Slips

22 January 2018

5 Reasons to Keep the Logbook After Buying a Car


Generally, when you buy a new car, you get a logbook. This book has advice from the car's manufacturer about when you need certain repairs and services, and it also has spots for you to make notes on the services you have gotten. Wondering if you should relegate the logbook to the rubbish heap or keep it? Here are five reasons you should hang onto it and use it. 1. To Stay Up to Date on Service

5 January 2018

Tips for Saving Money on Car Servicing


Visiting an auto-shop is something that you probably dread considering the amount of time and money involved. That said, car servicing is critical, and your vehicle needs regular check-ups. While servicing your car will set you back a couple of dollars, you must take advantage of opportunities that will help you to save cost. Do not merely go to an auto repair shop, drop your vehicle, and then pay whatever is asked.

6 December 2017

4 Telltale Indications You've Got a Bad Transmission


Buying your first car so you can enjoy convenient travel is a great idea, but you'll have to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining and repairing the vehicle when need arises. Despite your best efforts to ensure the vehicle is properly taken care of, however, it is perfectly normal for some problems to crop up. One of these problems is a bad transmission. The transmission provides the power required to turn the wheels and move the vehicle.

31 July 2017

Leaking Auto Antifreeze: 3 Possible Causes


Antifreeze plays a key part in keeping your car running. If the antifreeze in your vehicle begins to leak, it could result in your engine overheating, and it could cause damage to your car's radiator. For this reason, it is important that you understand the possible locations where a leak may occur. Below is a guide to 3 possible causes of an antifreeze leak. Damage to the radiator hose A leading cause of antifreeze leaks in a damaged radiator hose.

12 July 2017

Getting the Difference between 4WD and AWD Transmissions


The drivetrain or powertrain comprises a system of components that work together to power a vehicle so that it moves. One of the major components of the drivetrain is the transmission that converts the power of the motor into the force that makes the wheels to rotate. Vehicles come in different transmission set ups that include the four-wheel drive and all-wheel drive systems. Many new vehicle owners are usually unable to tell the difference between these two types of drivetrains and usually confuse one for the other because "

22 May 2017